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Work with lists
Here below is not right about Pandas, but usefull in some Pandas contexts.
Search if elements from a list are in another list
Chek if elements from List2 are in List1:
import collections List1 = ['Aaa', 'Bbbb', 'Cccc', 'Dddd', 'Eeee', 'Ffff', 'Gggg', 'Hhhh'] List2 = ['Eeee', 'Cccc'] print(List1) print(List2) check = all(item in List1 for item in List2) print(check)
import collections List1 = ['Aaa', 'Bbbb', 'Cccc', 'Dddd', 'Eeee', 'Ffff', 'Gggg', 'Hhhh'] List2 = ['Bbbb', 'Aaa', 'Cccc', 'Dddd', 'Eeee', 'Ffff', 'Hhhh', 'Gggg'] print(List1) print(List2) def iCompare(c1, c2): if(collections.Counter(c1)==collections.Counter(c2)): return 'Yes' else: return 'No' info = iCompare(List1, List2) print(info)
Extract common elements from several lists
List1 = ['Aaa', 'Aaa', 'Bbbb', 'Cccc', 'Dddd', 'Eeee', 'Ffff', 'Gggg', 'Hhhh'] List2 = ['Eeee', 'Cccc', 'Cccc'] List3 = ['Cccc', 'Bbbb', 'Eeee'] print('List1:', List1) print('List2:', List2) print('List3:', List3) Compare = sorted(list(set(List1) & set(List2) & set(List3) )) print('\nCompare:', Compare)
Extract no-common elements from several lists
List1 = ['Aaa', 'Aaa', 'Bbbb', 'Cccc', 'Dddd', 'Eeee', 'Ffff', 'Gggg', 'Hhhh'] List2 = ['Eeee', 'Cccc', 'Cccc'] print('List1:', List1) print('List2:', List2) Compare = sorted(list(set(List1) - set(List2) )) print('\nCompare:', Compare)
Concatenate 2 fields in list/sentence
Assemblage = list(zip(df['field1'].tolist(), df['field2'].tolist())) b = [] for a in Assemblage: b.append('Blablabla... ' + str(list(a)[0]) + ' ...Blablabla... ' + list(a)[1] + ' ...Blablabla.') for i in b: print(i)
List all file from a directory in a Python list
repertoireCheck = 'E:/_CheckTables/' listTxtFile = [] for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(repertoireCheck): for name in files: print(os.path.join(path, name)) listTxtFile.append(os.path.join(path, name)) print(listTxtFile) print(len(listTxtFile))
Split a big list in smaller sub-lists with a defined total
Here 750 records for example:
SubListsSize = 750 SubLists = [MyBigList[x:x+SubListsSize] for x in range(0, len(MyBigList), SubListsSize)] for SubList in SubLists: print(SubList)
Better: split a big list in smaller sub-lists with a defined total in a function
def split_list(my_list, size_max): sublists = [] for i in range(0, len(my_list),size_max): sublist = liste[i:i+size_max] sublists.append(sublist) return sublists sublists = split_list(MyPersonalList, 10)