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Get executed QGIS Python code
In the QGIS menu: Processing/History.
In a plugin (from QGIS 3.28): Advanced/Copy as Python Command
Set projection and ellipsoid
project = QgsProject.instance() ... crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromEpsgId(4326) project.setCrs(crs) project.setEllipsoid('EPSG:4326')
See the available process and scripts
for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms(): print("{}:{} --> {}".format(alg.provider().name(),, alg.displayName()))
Using QGIS Buttons in Python Code
eMenu = iface.viewMenu() eMenu.actions()[12].trigger()
Add custom text in map
project = QgsProject.instance() iface.mapCanvas().refresh() manager = project.layoutManager() layout = QgsPrintLayout(project) layout.initializeDefaults() layout.setName(layoutName) manager.addLayout(layout) map = QgsLayoutItemMap(layout) myBoldFont=QtGui.QFont('Verdana', 11) myBoldFont.setBold(True) TextCustom = QgsLayoutItemLabel(layout) TextCustom.setText("Wikipédia :") TextCustom.setFont(myBoldFont) layout.addLayoutItem(TextCustom) TextCustom.attemptMove(QgsLayoutPoint(230, 90, QgsUnitTypes.LayoutMillimeters)) TextCustom.attemptResize(QgsLayoutSize(60, 100, QgsUnitTypes.LayoutMillimeters))
Download a picture and add a backgound color
from PyQt5 import * from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QImage, QPainter, QColor # Image 1 url = r'' response = requests.get(url) image_originale1 = myPath + 'logo_master.png' path_nouvelle_image1 = myPath + 'logo_master_fond_vert.png' # Dowload image if response.status_code == 200: with open(image_originale1, 'wb') as file: file.write(response.content) else: raise Exception('Impossible de télécharger l\'image !') # Set a black background my_image = QImage(image_originale1) largeur = my_image.width() + 40 hauteur = my_image.height() + 40 nouvelle_image1 = QImage(largeur, hauteur, QImage.Format_ARGB32) nouvelle_image1.fill(QColor(21, 187, 161)) painter = QPainter(nouvelle_image1) x_offset = (largeur - my_image.width()) // 2 y_offset = (hauteur - my_image.height()) // 2 painter.drawImage(x_offset, y_offset, my_image) painter.end()