MS Excel/Access is enought supported, so I would list only specific cases which took me more than 1 minute to solve.
Find "?"
x2 then delete
Find \n
Get the first letter from each word in upper case in a query (Title Case)
Get the first letter from each word in upper case and the remaining in lower case is easy with Excel (=PROPER
), but with Access I searched for a long time ...
Remove accents from plain text in a query
Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace([First name];"è";"e");"ú";"u");"í";"i");"c";"c");"á";"a");"é";"e");"ö";"o");"ç";"c");"s";"s");"ü";"u");"ó";"o");"ñ";"n");"ë";"e");"æ";"ae");"à";"a");"ã";"a");"ô";"o")
Get HTML from plain text in a query
Recover plain text from rich text in an Access query is easy (PlainText([field]
), but the opposite is not!
Here an example to get the main HTML chars (not all!) from a field named First name:
firstname: Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace([First name],"è","è"),"ú","ú"),"í","í"),"ć","ć"),"á","á"),"é","é"),"ö","ö"),"ç","ç"),"ş","ş"),"ü","ü"),"ó","ó"),"ñ","ñ"),"ë","ë"),"æ","æ"),"à","à"),"ã","ã"),"'","'"),"ô","ô")
I know, I should use VBA ... Later!
Get the date today
Full time (13/09/2021 12:05:15)
today: Now()
Day only (13/09/2021)
today: Date()
Some formatting (2021 09 13 or 2021-09-13 12:13:16)
today:Format(Now();"yyyy-mm-dd\ hh:nn:ss")
today:Format(Date(),"aaaa mm jj")
today:Format(Now(),"aaaa-mm-jj hh:nn:ss")
Use IIF:
IIf(date_submit="0000-00-00 00:00:00", Format(Now(),"yyyy-mm-dd"), date_submit)
Find field in full upper case/lower case
Do a test as it:
Test: StrComp([First name];UCase([First name]);0)=0
And filter on -1
Search a field in another field
InStr([Tmp_customer].[email];[attendees].[LAST NAME])
And a filter >0
Search a field at the end of another field
IIf(Right([field_left]; Len(field_right)) = [field_right]; "Yes"; "No")